Sparking Real Connections: Guide to Authentic Growth Strategies

Hey there, friends!

Mara here, ready to chat on one of my favorite topics: building genuine connections with your audience. 🌟

Let's face it – in a world filled with filters and façades, authenticity is like a breath of fresh air.

It's what sets you apart from the noise and makes your brand stand out.

So, grab your blue light glasses and coffee and let's dive into some juicy tips for cultivating authentic relationships with your tribe.


1. Be Your Fabulous Self:

First things first – the classic dating advice, “be yourself” applies to social media! It really does!

So embrace who you are. Your audience wants to connect with the real you, not some false image or cookie-cutter version of what you think they want.

So, let your personality shine through in your posts, captions, and stories. Whether you're quirky, witty, or downright fabulous, own it, honey!


2. Show Some Love:

Authenticity is a two-way street, my friends. Show your audience some love by engaging with their comments, messages, and posts. Respond to their questions, thank them for their support, and make them feel like the VIPs they are.

Remember, genuine interaction goes a longgg way in building trust and loyalty.


3. Share Your Story:

Everyone loves a good story, right? Well, spill the tea, darling!

Share your journey, your struggles, and your triumphs.

Let your audience get to know the person behind the brand. After all, people connect with stories, not sales pitches. So, open up and watch the magic happen!


4. Transparency is Key:

Transparency breeds trust. Be honest and upfront with your audience about who you are, what you stand for, and even your mistakes. Nobody's perfect, and showing your vulnerable side only makes you more relatable. So, keep it real, and your audience will love you for it.


5. Spread Positivity:

In a world full of negativity, be a bright spot on their feed with your positiveness!

Spread positivity and good vibes with your content. Whether it's inspirational quotes, feel-good stories, or uplifting messages, make your audience smile and feel good about themselves. Remember, positivity is contagious!


6. Listen and Learn:

Last but certainly not least, listen to your audience. Pay attention to their feedback, preferences, and needs. Use tools like polls, surveys, and analytics to gather insights and tailor your content accordingly. Your audience knows best, so let them guide you on your journey to authenticity.


So there you have it, lovelies – my top tips for building authentic connections with your audience. Remember, authenticity is not just a buzzword; it's the actual recipe that will take your brand from good to great. So, go forth, be fabulous, and let your authenticity shine!


Until next time,

Mara ✨

Crafting Compelling Content: A Masterclass in Captivating Your Audience

Ever felt the struggle of sitting in front of a blank screen, trying to think up the next viral video or post?

Don’t fret, because today we're diving deep into the art of creating content that not only speaks to your audience but holds their attention and makes them want to engage.


Understanding Your Audience: The Foundation of Compelling Content

So first thing to know is creating GOOD content starts with knowing your audience inside out – not like full on stalker, but think Sherlock Holmes but with a touch of creativity.

A frequent mistake I see with clients is that they are posting what they (the creator) thinks is interesting…

Sorry to say, but it’s not about you! You need to find out what your audience wants to hear and then present it to them.

So, let’s break it down…


1. Audience Analysis: Dive deep into understanding WHO your audience is.

Really explore the demographics, interests, and behaviors. Tools like Google Analytics and social media insights are your great free tools to help with this!


2. Creating User Personas: Once you’ve done your analysis, next step is to personify your ideal audience members. Give them names, personalities, and backgrounds.

This step adds a human touch, making it easier to tailor content that resonates.


3. Tailoring Content to Tastes: People want to feel like they’re seen, heard and acknowledged, right? So your job is to make them part of the story.

Now that you have the personas written out, create content that aligns with their preferences, interests, and pain points.

This ensures your content isn't just seen but genuinely appreciated!!


Okay, this isn’t just theoretical. I want you to use these concepts and tools!


Tools for Audience Analysis:

- Google Analytics: If you have a website, you can uncover website traffic insights.

- Social Media Insights: Leverage platform analytics. These tell you SO MUCH!

- Surveys and Feedback: Directly ask your audience what they want.


Crafting User Personas:

- Persona Templates: Utilize free templates online to build detailed personas. Get creative and have fun with it!

- Interviews and Surveys: Interact directly with your audience to gather information.


Tailoring Content Effectively:

- Content Calendar: Plan content around your audience's interests and trending topics.

- A/B Testing: Experiment with different content approaches to see what resonates.

- Direct Engagement: Respond to comments, messages, and feedback asap for real-time adjustments.


By mastering these audience-centric strategies, you'll be equipped to create content that not only grabs attention but fosters genuine connections.

Your personalized messages will become the highlight of your audience's day.

So, buckle up friends, implement these strategies, and let's craft content that leaves a mark and creates the best kind of effects!


Much Love,

Mara ✨

Uh-Oh, Already Bought Fake Followers? Here's Your Fix!

Okay so, you dipped your toes into the world of purchased followers.

No judgment here – we've all been tempted by a quick fix.

The good news? It's never too late to hit the reset button and get back on track with authentic growth.

Here's your step-by-step guide:

1. Go Through Your Followers

First look for accounts that seem suspicious or inactive.

There are various tools available that can help you spot fake or inactive followers, but you can also just look through and it’s usually pretty obvious.

Even if they’re not fake and you see they haven’t been active since 2022… remove.

Just cleanse your list of these accounts, but not all at once!

2. Gradual Unfollow

Rather than making a mass unfollowing spree, gradually unfollow fake accounts over time.

This gradual approach helps maintain a steady follower count and avoids triggering any red flags to the algorithm.

3. Engage, Engage, Engage

Boost your engagement to show authenticity.

Respond to comments, initiate conversations, and create content that encourages genuine interaction.

This signals to algorithms that your account is active and valued by REAL users.

4. Promote Transparency

If you've learned from the experience and are committed to authentic growth, consider sharing a transparent post about your decision to clean up your followers!

Authenticity is appreciated by your genuine audience.

5. Focus on Quality Content

Shift your focus from follower count to content quality.

Consistently deliver valuable, engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

Remember, the key is not just to remove fake followers but to shift your strategy towards sustainable growth. Building an authentic community takes time, but the long-term benefits are worth the effort!!

The Real Cost of Fake Followers

Let's spill the tea on a topic that often tempts brands and influencers into a flashy but ultimately disastrous pit… buying fake followers.

An immediate 10,000 followers for only $39.99?! Dream come true, right?


Sure, it might seem like a quick fix to boost those follower numbers, but let me be your guide through the glittery facade and unveil why this strategy is a highway to nowhere.

🚨 Uh-oh, already bought the fake followers? It's okay, boo, I wrote a blog post for you too. Click HERE🚨

1. Vanity Metrics vs. Authentic Engagement


Okay, yes, a sudden surge in followers might make your profile look super sexy at first glance.

But let's be real – what matters more, vanity metrics or genuine engagement?

Authentic interactions with your content build a loyal and active audience, which is far more valuable in the long run.


2. Algorithm Side-Eye: Quality Over Quantity


Social media algorithms are getting smarter by the day.

Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter prioritize content based on engagement, not just follower count.

Meaning the more your audience engages with your content, the more the algorithm will push it out to more people.

Purchased/fake followers obviously don’t engage with your content (unless you purchased that option too?), sending signals to algorithms that your content isn't worth showing to a wider audience.


3. Not So Influential: Brands Can Smell a Rat


This is not for all of you, but if you're a brand or influencer looking to collaborate, beware

Brands have become pretty crafty at sniffing out fake followers.

They analyze engagement rates, comments, and likes to determine the authenticity of an influencer's following. It's not just about numbers; it's about influence, credibility, and real impact.


4. Engagement Plummets: The Ghost Follower Effect


Fake followers just don't engage. Period.

Your posts may have thousands of followers, but if they're bots or inactive accounts, your engagement rate will plummet.

Real followers are the ones who like, comment, and share – the true indicators of a thriving and influential profile.


5. Platform Penalties: Risking Your Account


Many social media platforms explicitly prohibit buying followers in their terms of service.

Engaging in such practices can lead to penalties, shadow-banning, or even the suspension of your account.

Is it worth jeopardizing your hard-earned brand for a fleeting boost?


6. Authenticity Builds Trust: The Ultimate Currency


In an era where authenticity is the key to building trust, nothing screams “FAKE!” more than inflated follower numbers.

10,000 followers and 8 likes on your last post? We can all see it for what it is. Fake.

Authenticity resonates with audiences and creates a genuine connection. Building trust is a slow but solid process that pays off in sustainable growth.

Quality Over Quantity Wins


In the world of social media, it's not about having the most followers; it's about having the right ones. Focus on creating valuable content, engaging with your audience, and growing your following organically. It may take time, but the payoff is a genuine, active community that stands the test of trends and algorithms.


So, besties, resist the shiny shortcuts and embrace the journey of authentic growth. Your brand, influence, and engagement will thank you in the long run.


I promise!


Here's to keeping it real in the digital realm!


Sparkles and authenticity,

Mara ✨

Navigating Trends: Staying Relevant Without Losing Your Voice

Hey you!

It's your girl, Mara, back with another scoop on conquering the wild, ever-changing world of social media.

Today, we're strapping in and diving deep into the world of trends and trending posts.

We all know it – trends on social media can change faster than you can say "viral cat video."

But fear not, because I've got the guide to help you not only ride the wave but do it in a way that keeps your brand's unique voice stay on point.

Trendspotting 101: Blend In, Stand Out 

First things first, let's talk trendspotting.

Just like fashion, trends come and go, and being able to seamlessly blend into the current social media landscape while staying true to your essence is the name of the game.

Think of it as updating your wardrobe for your brand – new outfits, same amazing you!


Know Your Audience


Amidst the trend frenzy, never lose sight of your audience.

Understanding what resonates with them, what makes them tick, and how they interact with trends is gold. Craft content that feels like a personal interaction with your audience, ensuring they see the real, authentic you in every trend you ride.


For example, trending audios… There are some FUN ones, but I guarantee if you just get blindsided by these and chase the viral video, your audience will be left very confused…


Find the Sweet Spot: Where Trends and Authenticity Collide


So, let’s say you've spotted a hot trend that aligns with your brand.

Now, it's time to infuse it with YOU.

Whether it's a dance challenge, a viral meme, or a trending hashtag – make it yours.

It's not just about following trends; it's about owning them and adding your own brand flair to it!


Your Brand, Your Rules


So just to reiterate, while trends can be fun and spark creativity, remember that not every trend is your friend.

Choose the ones that align with your values and message. If a trend doesn't vibe with your brand personality, it's totally okay to ignore it!

Authenticity always trumps trends – let that be your stable datum.


Future-Proof Your Voice: Stay Ahead of the Game


Have you ever watched someone competitively play chess?

The social media landscape really reminds me of those fast-paced game of chess.

You gotta stay a few moves ahead by keeping an eye on emerging trends.

Anticipate the next big thing, and position your brand to lead rather than follow.

Your audience will appreciate the foresight, and you'll stay ahead in the game of relevance.


So, darlings, remember – you're the curator, the influencer, and the star of the show. Blend trends and yourself with style, embrace the dynamic landscape, and let your brand's voice be the melody that stands the test of trends.


Sparkles and trendsetting,

Mara 🚀✨

The Art of Crafting Binge-Worthy Content 🚀

Today we're unraveling the secrets of "edu-tainment" – the powerful combo of education and entertainment that keeps your audience hooked and hitting that 'play' button for more!

Why be Bland When You Can be Binge-Worthy?

All right let's face it; the digital world has A LOT of content… some of it great and some of it not-so-great.

But to stand out, you obviously need to capture attention.

We’ve talked about that in previous posts and about being authentically you. But want a tip to help make you really separate yourself from others?

Enter "edu-tainment"! This will make your content utterly binge-worthy.


The Binge-Worthy Checklist

- Hook 'Em Early: Just like a binge-worthy TV show, your content needs a killer opening. With social media though you have to be even faster. So grab attention in the first second – literally!

- Consistent Dose: Whether it's a weekly series or monthly deep dives, establish a rhythm. Consistency keeps your audience coming back for more.

- Visual Aesthetics: Edu-tainment not just about words and dropping info; it's about the visual journey. Engaging visuals, fun edits, and nice graphics keep the eyes glued.

- Leave 'Em Wanting More: Every post should leave your audience hungry for the next or hungry to engage with you. Tease upcoming topics, drop hints, and build anticipation.


Some Examples That Wow

1. 🌟 Industry Insights: Dive into complex industry trends with a touch of humor and a lot of insider stories.

2. 🚀 Behind-the-Scenes: Lift the curtain on your business processes. Showcasing the 'how' and ‘why’ makes your audience appreciate the 'what.'

3. 🌈 Myth-Busting: Bust open common myths in your industry. It's not just informative; it's satisfying and interesting if done right.


Reel Them In, Reel by Reel! 🎬

Picture this: a random soul stumbling upon a reel in their feed.

They like it – it’s engaging. They’re hooked.

They then look at other content you posted. Each edutaining post reels them further in, craving more and more of you.

Your content shouldn’t just be a look at one post and then bounce to another person’s profile.

The ideal scene is the person finds you by one of your posts, then gets hooked and looks at other things you’ve already posted being educated and entertained along the way.

So, dive deep into the edu-tainment recipe, and watch your audience go post to post.


Your Homework, Superstars:

Ready to turn your content into a binge-worthy sensation?

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to mix educational aspects with some entertainment sparkle in your next post or reel.

Tag me (@gottaknowmeco) so I can see!


Until next time, stay fab and keep dazzling the digital stage.


Much Love,

Mara ✨

Getting to the Heart of the Matter

Hey Unicorns!

It's Mara, your social media queen, ready to drop knowledge to up your social media game.

Today, we're diving deep into what makes your content pop…

It's all about the "Why," not the "What."

Imagine this: You're scrolling through your feed, and bam!

A post grabs your attention. Not because of flashy aesthetics or features but because it hits you right in the feels and grabs you by those heartstrings.

That, my friends, is the power of the "Why."


The Why: Fuel for Emotional Connection

First, what do I mean by the “Why”?

Well, in a world drowning in information, it's the stories that stand out.

Whether you're a newbie entrepreneur or a seasoned pro, the key to converting traffic is embracing the emotional core of your brand.

In other words, if you want to turn your people who view your content into followers and, even better, turn your followers into clients you need touch emotions…

So when I’m talking about the “Why,” I’m talking about the emotional aspects and the why behind what you do.

Posting the “What” means you’re just posting about your product and services, explaining what they are, what they do, but not creating any kind of personal connection with your audience.



Do you want your prospective client looks like Elaine from Seinfeld when looking at your social media feed?? I think not…

But if all you focus on is the “what”…. that’s what happens. It’s too many products and too boring.

BUT your brand is not just a boring old product or service!

You need to create compelling stories around what you do… And THIS will spark a connection.

Share the challenges, victories, and those oh-so-human moments that breathe life into your brand!


Building Trust Brick by Brick

Ever wondered why testimonials and success stories resonate so deeply?

It’s because they unravel the human side of success.

When your audience watches the story, the hurdles overcome, and the triumphs celebrated, trust starts to form. They might even find themselves nodding along, relating to the story.


It's Personal: Your Brand's Emotional Makeup

The best accounts spark some sort of emotion.

Even those viral posts with controversy? Yep, they’re sparking emotion and getting attention...

So, bestie, inject authenticity into your content – the values, beliefs, and passion that make you YOU.


Connection Over Perfection

Here's a recurring theme of mine (because it's golden darling, hope you’ve been paying attention!): in a sea of filters and seemingly perfect appearances, authenticity stands out.

Embrace imperfections, spill some behind-the-scenes tea, and let your audience feel like they’re part of your brand's journey.


Cultivate Conversations, Not Transactions

In this era of social media, engagement isn't a one-way street.

Spark meaningful conversations.

Ask questions, get those responses rolling, and create a space where your audience feels heard and valued.


The Ripple Effect

When your content hits that emotional sweet spot, it creates a ripple effect. Your audience transforms from spectators and consumers to actual advocates, sharing your stories and beliefs with their peeps. This is what you want!


The Wrap: Your Unique Brand Symphony

As you lean into storytelling, remember: the "Why" is your brand's secret sauce. It's what sets your content apart in a world filled with noise. So, dive deep, explore the emotions and let your uniqueness shine.

That's a wrap for today, lovelies!

Keep infusing your content with the emotional "Why," and watch your brand soar to new heights!!!


Much love, Mara

Your Engagement Is Low Because You Focus on Aesthetics and Not Substance

Hey you!

Mara here, your go-to gal for all things social media magic.

Today, I’m spilling the tea on a topic that miiight ruffle a few feathers: aesthetics vs. substance.

So we’re told the way to grow on social media is engagement, right?

And the formula sounds “easy”… get attention, get people to engage by liking, following and commenting.

But what happens when you post, post, post but have very little engagement?

Brace yourself because we're about to flip the script on why your engagement might be playing hard to get...


Aesthetic Overload? Time to Rethink!

In a world where filters and flawless feeds are all we see 24/7, it's easy to get caught up in the allure of aesthetics.

But here’s my question to you… Picture-perfect visuals might snag some quick likes, but are they forming a genuine connection with your audience?

Remember in my last blog post, I talked about being authentically YOU and building a community online?

Well, substance, my friends, is the key to keeping those eyeballs glued and excited to see your new posts… like a crazy plot twist in your favorite movie—once you're hooked, you can't look away.

I’ll spill the secrets on how substance transforms casual scrollers into dedicated followers…


Substance-Driven Strategies: Unleash the Power

First, I want to see videos. Not a beautifully edited still image.

Okay okay, that’s fine once in a while and I’ll double tap to give you a heart, but that image didn’t get me emotionally invested in you, your product or your service. Ya know?

So what are some ways to spark meaningful conversations, boost interaction, and turn your followers into a community that's genuinely invested in what you have to say?

It obviously depends on your industry, but here’s some EASY ones you can make today and tweak depending on your industry/audience:

1.      Show me a video of you making your product. So you make coffee for a living? GREAT! Show meeeee. I want to see a 5-7 second mini tutorial. Pair it with trending audio and *boom* insta magic.

2.      You are a consultant and work at a computer all day and think it’s too boring to show people? WRONG. Set up a tripod, stick your phone on it, video yourself while you’re typing or while you’re talking on the phone. Cut that into several different videos, upload it, add your voice over giving a tip or explaining something. And *boom* insta magic.

3.      Show me how to use what you make or sell. Like if I had XYZ in my hand, what would I do with it. Inject your personality into it, show me your humor, or whatever makes you YOU! And, you guessed it, *boom* insta magic.


Remember, it's not just about being seen; it's about being remembered. Don’t worry about the aesthetic static images of your Instagram feed and making all the little boxes look good.

Give me substance and let’s make your social media presence unforgettable!

Stay fab, Mara ✨

P.S. Got burning questions about boosting engagement with substance? Email me at, and let’s chat!

Planning Your Social Media Strategy For 2024: The Ultimate Guide for Badass Growth!

As you wave goodbye to 2023 and dive headfirst into scheming massive expansion in 2024, it's time to look at how you can rock this upcoming year with unprecedented social media growth! 💥

We all know social media algorithms are constantly changing and there’s nothing that can be done about it, right?


Good news is I've got the lowdown on the algo predictions for 2024 and exactly how to turn your social media presence from meh to ooo la la.

So are you ready to kick off the year with a bang, besties?!

Here’s my top 5 new year algorithm secrets for you…


1. Strategize: Because You're a Boss, Not a Random Post Generator

Posting for the sake of posting? Not on our watch.

Set your goals, ignite that creative spark, and let's whip up a strategic plan to conquer social media.

Whether you're promoting your brand, showcasing your services, or just aiming to be the talk of the town, a plan is the secret sauce.

No more randomness—just intentional, jaw-dropping content that leaves them craving more.

2. Authenticity Rules: Your Imperfections Are the New Perfection

Listen up!

The days of pretending perfection are so last year.

Your audience craves the real deal—messy hair, imperfect selfies, and unfiltered life moments.

And, for those in an office setting, show us the chaos and fun in behind-the-scenes moments.

Authenticity is your VIP ticket to connection, engagement, and a following that adores the authentic YOU.


3. Longer Reels, Baby

Longer reels are stealing the spotlight in 2024.

Bid farewell to the 7-second wonders; the algorithm now craves substance. With 10-minute videos now coming to Tiktok and performing really well, we will probably see this coming to Instagram soon.

Create Tiktoks and Reels that narrate a story, spill the tea, provide tons of value, and make your audience feel like they're hanging with their coolest friend (that's you, of course!).


4. Personal Brand Power: Put a Face to the Awesomeness

Not sure whose face should represent your brand? Well, darling, now's the time to decide.

Personal brands are the superheroes of social media.

Choose a face that resonates with your audience and watch your social media growth skyrocket. It's time to be the face that launches a thousand likes!


5. Viral Schmiral: Building a Community is the Real Deal

Sure, viral moments are cool, but let's be real… Focusing solely on virality can reek of desperation. And nobody's attracted to thirsty.

Instead, let's build a community around your brand that's not just engaged but downright obsessed with your vibe.

Authentic connections beat viral trends any day!

So how do we do that? It's all about quality, not quantity, in the social media game.


2024 is your year to shine, so use these 5 secrets and let me know how it goes! 🌟✨


Much Love,



P.S. Wondering how to craft your social media strategy for maximum brilliance? Slide into my inbox at, and let's cook up some digital magic! 💌


What I am Loving Right Now #1

OK! I know this is a new thing, but I want to share what I am using and is making my life easier because who doesn’t want that?! Some of these things I have reached out to the brand and gotten a coupon code just for you!

OK! So lets get into it!



First things first…. MY LOVE FOR CANDLES RUNS DEEEEEEEEP this local LA women-run business has my HEART! Love and Happiness is my GO TO!!! I used the sample and yelled at Alex every time he opened the door because I didn’t want the scent to leave the room! I ordered full sizes right away! They are soy and hand poured! If you are looking for a new scent to put all over your house and to support your local boss babe, use coupon code “GOTTAKNOWMARA” for 10% off! — I ordered the scent “ Love Story”


2. 6th Sense Styling Technology

This is my LIFE SAVER! This busy Mama would always have her hair in a bun without this amazing brush! Takes 10 min, and my hair looks like I got a blowout! ALSO— women owned and operated. #womensupportingwomen. 6th Sense Styling and coupon code ( if you order on amazon) is “TAKE20HAIR” — here is the brush



This set is amazing. Comfortable but also sucks in all the places that I need! And this leopard print —- come on!!!!!! Confession, I have been living in this sports bra!!!!!!!!!!! Here is the link to this set and do yourself a favor and check out their entire activewear link, you can thank me later! ACTIVE WEAR GODS



THESE ARE REVOLUTIONARY. No crease, no hair damage and looks cute on your wrist.. need I say more? I like the thicker one as I have very thick hair and because it is so cute I don’t lose it as easily! #relatable LIFE CHANGING HAIR TIES HERE !!!!

Screen Shot 2020-03-11 at 10.03.18 PM.png

These tees give me LIFFFFEEEEE. They are so empowering, made and designed right here in LA… another women-owned and operated!!!! They are very comfortable & you can wear them with anything. Leggings, Mom jeans, silk skirt, you name it, I’ve paired it! if you are looking for a statement tee… this is your ride or die brand. BEST TEES EVER Also follow Founder Dani for the inside scoop, and BTS as well is SO MUCH LIFE INSPO!!! DANI DAZEY

ok there it is, my first “What I am Loving” Blog post is up! Leave a comment, let me know what you think, more tomorrow!!



Instagram is Hiding Likes: What that Means for You, Your Business, and Your Dog (If Your Dog is Insta-Famous)

hiding likes

Times are changing as we know it. As of this week, social media behemoth Instagram will be hiding user likes. This change is an attempt by the platform to promote user well-being, and has been in the works since 2018.

But what does that mean for those of us who make a living off the ‘Gram? And how can we be sure that our online businesses survive when we don’t have likes to show for our engagement?

Many users are concerned that hiding likes will negatively impact influencers and people who derive income from the platform because companies look at likes on posts as a metric of how successful a campaign has been. So, without likes, it will be challenging for companies to know how actively engaged followers are with sponsored posts, and many individuals think this will discourage companies from sponsoring content at all. 

However, fake likes have been a huge problem for Instagram, almost for as long as the platform has been around. Millions of users have engaged in purchasing likes and using bots to boost likes. Therefore, likes themselves cannot be used as an accurate measurement of how engaged followers are with each post. 

As a result, many companies do not get accurate statistics when they use likes as a measure of post engagement for sponsored content. Additionally, many users feel that the pressure to get as many likes as possible changes the nature of the content they post. For example, there are influencers who admit to having “Fintagrams” or “Finstas” (fake Instagram accounts) that they use to post content that is funnier or more “real” than what they usually post – because they’re not using these accounts simply to get likes or followers. So, eliminating the ability to show how many likes you get on each post might be a good thing; we might start seeing a lot more authentic content posted on the platform as opposed to so many posts that stress fake scenes from people’s lives. 

One thing is for sure: eliminating the ability for followers to see the number of likes on each post is definitely going to alter our experience of Instagram one way or another. It’s time to start thinking about how you can adjust your Instagram strategy. Here’s how to ensure that your brand or business is here to stick around for the long haul – even without user likes:

  1. Promote user engagement by writing captions that incite people to comment on your post.

So, if likes are taken away, there are still other metrics we can use to measure engagement. One of these is the amount of comments we get on each post. Now, more than ever before, it will be crucial to ensure that followers are commenting on each post. In order to make this happen, you have to be sure that the content you’re posting is something that sparks a conversation. Be sure to post a question along with your Instagram photo in order to invite people to engage. Or, have them weigh in on an important issue. Whatever you can do to get people to leave a comment and be part of the conversation will definitely ensure that your content is getting the attention it deserves.

2. Think about what you really want to communicate on your account. 

What story do you want to tell? What do you really want to say? For many of us, the pressure to get likes has interfered with the things that are most important to us. Now, we have a unique opportunity to start creating content that shows who we really are. And, what I often tell my clients is that, once we start creating posts that are more true to us, engagement spreads like wildfire. Use this as an opportunity to get really creative! 

3. Create authentic content that inspires people to spend meaningful amounts of time on your page. 

Authenticity has always been at the foundation of social media. After all, social media was our first opportunity to circulate individual opinions as opposed to having our thoughts overpowered by major media channels. However, through the years, as more and more sponsored content has emerged, Instagram has definitely lost a large majority of authentic content. Now is the time to create original and thought-provoking posts that made Instagram so interesting in the first place. Really let your personality shine through! You might be surprised how much this boosts your brand in the long run! 

P.S., here are a few non business-related things to keep in mind:

  1. Post for yourself, not for anyone else.

This is definitely challenging to keep in mind, but at the end of the day, social media is about YOU: it’s about sharing your story, your life, and your brand. No one else can ever be quite like you, and once you realize that, and once you start to really fall in love with the story of your life, you’ll find that posting content becomes effortless. (And, a lot more fun!)  

2. This is an opportunity for us all to become a little more authentic.

At one point or another, we’ve all dealt with the fact that social media has been a source of stress in our lives. It’s all too easy to start comparing our lives to people we don’t know on the Internet and to start feeling down about ourselves. And, it’s also very easy to feel the need to share only the “perfect” aspects of our lives with the rest of the Internet. However, eliminating the number of likes each post gets will definitely be a reason for us all to start posting more authentic content: to reveal who we really are, the moments that are not so perfect but that are certainly true to us. 


Mara and the GKM Team

Not Every Post Needs a Call-to-Action: Here’s what you should be doing instead

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Almost everything on the internet regarding social media marketing emphasizes the importance of a call-to-action. To such an extent that they encourage it to be in every single post. There are also online resources that show different ways how to incorporate a call-to-action. 

A call-to-action is a marketing device that tells readers to do something. It’s usually the last line of a post and has one too many exclamation marks. It urges the reader to engage with the content in hopes that they will convert to a follower, subscriber, or loyal customer. 

It’s definitely useful to include a call-to-action when promoting your brand or increasing engagement on social media. But like everything in life, it’s only good in moderation. 

Here are a few problems with using a call-to-action on every single post, and what you can do instead: 

Problem #1: Ads are EVERYWHERE 

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Everywhere we look, someone’s trying to promote something to us. You’re driving to work and see billboard campaigns at every intersection. You like a cool pair of jeans on Instagram and the next day you see a banner ad of those same jeans on the web! 
You have to put yourself in the consumers’ shoes, and they eventually know that another ad is on its way to them. Guess what all those ads have in common? A call-to-action. So the next time they see similar language on a post, they will most likely scroll past. 

Solution: Focus on what you’re promoting instead of the promotion itself. 

Let’s say you own a denim brand and want to increase sales by offering 20% off the entire collection. Instead of pushing readers to buy your products through a call-to-action on your posts, show us the value of the product and why your brand is better than its competitors. Is it a sustainable brand? Do you partner with any non-profits? Do you offer plus-sizes? Focusing on the qualities of the product and the overall brand will do a better job in attracting loyal customers than a simple tagline that says “hurry, buy now!”. 

Problem #2: Everything is Urgent!!!!!

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In addition to excessive amounts of ads, every post is urgent. A direct call-to-action almost always carries an exclamation mark (or two, or three). This gives a sense of urgency to the reader so that they can engage quickly. But this then presents a false sense of urgency. Deep down they know it’s not that urgent. 

With our ability to instantly search online, users are more knowledgeable now more than ever! There are sites solely dedicated to comparing the pros and cons of different products and services. And reviews can either make or break how a user engages with that content. In which an exclamation point won’t be able to save.

Solution: keep calm and carry on, period. 

When it comes to writing copy, the tone of the content is often overlooked. We’re used to reading content with an exciting, upbeat tone which eventually becomes the norm for social media copywriting. Instead, try writing with a more casual tone. In order for readers to engage, your copy needs to be conversational and approachable.

Problem #3: It’s All a Numbers Game . . .  

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There’s nothing wrong with wanting to increase the number of likes, followers, user reach on your posts. After all, that’s within the nature of social media. However, it becomes an issue when the focus is placed only on the number itself and not the users behind that number. More followers don’t automatically guarantee strong engagement. 

The truth is, engagement will never be guaranteed. You always have to think about your audience and take their needs into consideration. And the excessive use of a call-to-action has become a 1-step guide that falsely guarantees engagement without keeping the users in mind. 

Solution: Go Back to Basics 

Instead of trying different gimmicks to up the number of clicks, go back to square one. There’s a reason why you decided to start your blog or open your business. Establish a target audience and work towards your niche. Then, spend your energy in creating sharable content that caters to that audience. Whether your engagement grows 10% or 100%, part of the goal is to retain what you already have. 

Mehrnaz Sokhansanj

Sales Funnels?

You may not be interested in marketing. Not everyone is and it is not everyone’s job. It is a different hat than the owner or product creator. But having an understanding of it will open doors to you that may have been closed in the past and allow you to ensure your business is promoting effectively (and not wastefully).

There are a lot of really boring terms that are related to business marketing. But I believe that once you get familiar with this one, you will find that it is not too boring at all. The term is Sales Funnel. Dun dun dunnnnnn!


It is the sales funnel that can make or break your company. It is the proper use of this funnel that will determine whether you and your product gets the audience it needs or fades quietly into the night.

It has pieces and parts and there are tons of descriptions you can find on it. But my goal here is to summarize things so that you can be in the driver’s seat when it comes to your marketing.

Below is a brief description of the different parts of the sales funnel.

Now, there are a lot of takes on sales funnels, what they are and how they can be used. But there are a few key points that have proven successful time and time again.


First off, let’s try at a definition:

Sales Funnel: A step by step path that takes a potential customer all the way through the sales process and turns them into a loyal customer that will refer their friends.

The idea of a funnel (or path) for sales has been around for a very long time. Some attribute it to the late 1800s but I personally believe it is much older. This pattern has been revised and modified over the years with refinements and adjustments to different markets.

Since the dawn of the website, internet advertising and social media marketing, the term has taken on a whole new meaning. Let’s take a look at how it works and how it can help you.

The Funnel

Each step of the funnel shows us another stage in a customer’s progression in awareness for your product and participation in your business. It will be easier if we pick a sample product and take an imaginary customer through the funnel.

An important part of the funnel is the scale of investment. The top of the funnel should receive the largest portion of your marketing budget. The bottom will receive the smallest. But each part must be taken care of and no part left unattended, so to speak.

Step 1 – Broad Promotion

Let’s say we are building a coffee shop. When it comes to marketing, the first step is going to be getting your product in front of the general public.

This phase we could call the Leads Phase. We could also call it Broad Interest. No matter what we call it, the focus of this phase is reaching out to potential customers that have not interested with you or your product before. The key here is to find people who could be interested in your product and make the first contact. The largest amount of your sales budget should be spent here. As the funnel tightens, so does your budget allocation decrees. The largest expense should always be on locating and interesting those people who have not yet heard of your product or purchased it.

In this phase you have such things as broad advertising (targeted to people who may be interested in your product or something similar).


With our coffee shop, this would include things such as getting flyers out across the area, putting up a billboard, having large and attractive signage outside the location. In terms of online marketing, this would be using Facebook and Instagram advertising to target people interested in similar products and getting your company in front of them. You can even specify zip codes to advertise to.

You’ll want to have a well-established Facebook and/or Instagram account that encourages customer interaction.

Step 2. Retargeting, Interviewing

Some people call this the Prospecting Step. It has had different names over the years. But the main idea of this phase is to continue marketing and interacting with people who have previously expressed some level of interest in your product. It is in this phase that you weed out the people who are not right for your product and continue to enlighten those who may fit the bill.


You want to focus on the customers who want the product or can be brought to want the product. There will be people who have no interest whatsoever in your type of product or it may not apply to them. These people would be sorted out in this step and you would focus on those that are more likely to reach for your service or product.

This is done by what is called “re-targeting” ads. These are ads that are shown to someone who has previously clicked on or viewed your promotion in the past.

Also, in this phase you might make calls out to “warm leads” or people that have expressed some degree of interest in the past. This stage has things like the free consultation, the in person interview, the follow up call.

In the world of coffee shops, this occurs when the same person has seen your billboard or received a flyer multiple times. A rule of thumb here is to advertise to the same person a minimum of three times in a row. And if they show interest at some point, you would continue that advertising.

When it comes to social media marketing, this phase occurs when potential customers follow your account and see the regular updates in their feed. This increases interest and encourages the prospect into the next step of the sales funnel, the First Purchase.

Step 3 – A. The First Purchase.

This is the phase of the customer’s first purchase. It is important to realize that at this point, you do not yet have a strong relationship with the customer. You have just begun to build their faith in you and they are willing make the easy buy.


Often the first part of Step 3 is to offer the customer a product that is accessible to them and easy to purchase without them having to make many decisions. You are not going to try and sell them your most expensive product here. You may show it to them or offer it, but have handy the smaller and easier purchase.

Continuing with our coffee shop, this would be when someone walks in for the first time and decides to get a good ol’ fashioned cup of joe. It is the least expensive product that you have and they don’t need to think much before purchasing it.

Note: It is vital that you have a large range of product or variations of the same product. If you only have one, you might find that you can figure out a few smaller products that the customer could buy if they are not ready for the big one.

Step 3 – B. The Big Sale or The Upsell.

They have purchased the easily attainable product. Now, you encourage them to buy big. This phase is known as the “upsell”. It is a sales truism that once a person has purchased a product or service from you, they are extremely more likely to purchase from you again (as long as your product or service is not a rip-off or disservice).


Once the customer has bought a cup of coffee for $1.50, they are many times more likely to purchase your $5.50 caramel latte and $3.25 donut.

You would be surprised at how effective this step is and how many sales you lose when it is not granted the importance it deserves. If someone has purchased anything from you, it makes it much easier for them to purchase the bigger products from you. This works because of a fundamental truth at play. The hardest and most valuable thing to achieve with a customer is TRUST. Once you have it, cherish it. Grow it. And you will sell your most expensive services or products with relative ease.

Step 4. The Return Customer


In this phase we focus on marketing to people who have purchased any products from us in the past with regular interaction. This is another place that social media marketing really shines. You need to maintain relations with the customer and keep your product at the forefront of their mind.

This is the phase of Branding, which loosely translates into building a lasting relationship with your customer and establishing a firm place in their mind. For a coffee shop, this phase ensures that when your customer thinks of coffee, they think of your shop.

It is here that you focus on promoting the feeling or culture of your product. You have begun to truly establish trust and they will go to you before anyone else.

Step 5. The Referral.

This phase is where our funnel ends and also where it starts anew. This phase is could be called The Referral. Your now loyal customer is given incentives to promote your company and brand. They are given discounts and “customer appreciation” offers

“Bring a friend for a cup of joe and yours is on the house!” The customer then adds to the Step 1 of your funnel and the entire cycle repeats again.

It is important to understand each phase of the sales funnel as each one leads to your business growing and your client base expanding. A crack in the funnel means less traffic and less income. 

For more information about sales funnels and the exact science behind each step, contact us and set up a consultation. Free phone consultations are available and we offers an in depth analysis of your companies sales funnel and how to break through to your next level of success.



The Key to Consistency is in Your Purse


We’ve talked a lot about posting consistently, right?

As human beings, we seem to have a knack for complicating things. The minute you start thinking about posting - you’re basically setting up to require a Vanity Fair caliber photo shoot of yourself - daily - to keep your content looking best, and before you’ve even started you’re stopping yourself.

This blog is here to tell you very simply: to simplify.

Remember back in 2011 that song called “Friday”? It was a very complex song with this very obscure and ambiguous concept of…Friday. Like it or hate it - it went completely viral and was a song about the last day before the weekend.

The point is - extremely simple.

That’s not to say you need to go write a song about your favorite day of the week. What we are saying is - use the thing in your back pocket, purse, or more likely your hand!! - your iPhone, and take pictures of your daily life!


Apple has put a lot of work into putting a decent-quality-picture-taking camera right in the palm of your hand and especially just getting started on Instagram - the quality you’re looking for is completely possible!

Create a fun little something in your day - as simple as a trip to your favorite coffee shop - and take pictures of it!

And to help you out - we’ve included a few helpful tips to get the best photo you can out of that handheld content capture-er ;)


1. Check the exposure

Your phone naturally tries to adjust to the exposure and tends to err on the overexposed side - most of us all like bright lively photos but tap your screen in the brightest area of the scene a few times before taking a photo to adjust exposure options and make sure the light is in the right place!

2. Pick a palette


One way to keep your feed cohesive is through - color! Surprise, surprise! Take a look around you now - what colors are you more likely to wear, decorate with and generally choose or gravitate towards? Those ones are generally going to be the easiest to find in your environment and incorporate more into your feed.

When taking photos - try to keep those colors in mind and find them somewhere! If you’re someone who loves a house plant like a pet, look for greens next to your latte art or selfie with friends! Chances are you have some great shades around!

3. Watch the light


We’ll be honest - its very seldom a flash works well. Which means - those "in a cool dark restaurant photos with friends" are haaardd to make work. We recommend: scouting a cute spot outside for your photo of the day, snapping it and putting away your phone to enjoy the moment. Natural lighting is always a winner! So, if you need some more light move closer to the window or open the door! Let the sun in and keep the light soft and not harsh. if you are in LA — check out this list of grammable places!

4. Get some help from filters

Filters should enhance the colors and light you have already curated. They shouldn’t do aaalll the work. But they can be super helpful in taking your content the extra mile. Here’s a few photo editing apps we recommend:


a. VSCO - You can pay a yearly fee for a larger range of options but the basics are pretty darn good! If you can spring for the VSCO membership do so! You can play around with colors, lighting, exposure and much more and become a pro of your own and create and save your own filters.

b. Snapseed - Snapseed has some filters but really a lot of great tools for adjusting the great photo you already have! Download it and just play around!
c. Instagram - The old favorite and a great beginner intro to filters! Instagram has greatly increased the amount of filters they have as well as the quality! Starting off with consistently applying your favorite Instagram filter will not steer you wrong!


So - check out these apps and get that phone out and do something fun and photographable today!

Much Love,

Mara Jesse

How to use Graphic Design to Create Social Media Content!

In today’s world, we are surrounded with information. Whether self-created or coming at us, much of it is communicated visually and it’d be fair to say that many people have a voracious visual appetite. Because of this, how something is communicated then becomes very important. 

Let’s talk about how this can play out on social media. A post can be just a post (“Blah…ok, hmm. Pass”) or a post can stop you in your tracks and really engage you (“Wow! I would love to be there right now” or “Yes, that’s totally me!”). A key factor in getting you that second reaction is graphic design. Striking the right chord with viewers from the first glance is crucial.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines graphic design as, “the art of profession of using design elements (such as typography and images) to convey information or create an effect also a product of this art.” That last bit there about creating an effect, that’s what we’re going for. It’s our job as graphic designers, to help you shape visual content to create an effect—impact your viewer in a particular way. The kind of an effect you’d like to create is up to you and the story of your brand. 

If you’re reading this blog, then I’d venture to say you’re familiar with the types of visual content but just as a refresh, here are a few examples: illustrations, photography, videos, animation, quotes and infographics. Each one of these forms of communication can be enhanced by great graphic design. Here are some design elements to take into consideration when creating posts:


—Color: Do you have a theme for certain types of posts? Do your photos have a tint or mood to them? Do the colors marry to the tone of voice of your brand? Have you considered complimentary colors or are you sticking with a more homogeneous palette? 

—Contrast: The difference between light and dark in an image. High contrast images will have bright highlights and dark shadows, bold colours, and show texture in the subject. Low contrast images will have a narrow range of tones and might therefore feel flat or dull. Adding in an element of contrast can help your post stand out. This can be done with any element of design. 

—Typography: Make sure your text is easy to read on a phone since the majority of viewers will be seeing your posts there. More succinct posts, in terms of text as “image” is preferred. Font choice can really affect perception so make sure the font you choose is correct. Are you looking for something bold, feminine, quiet, friendly, hard, child-like, handwritten, old, modern, etc.? There is a font that will evoke that; thereby enhancing your message.

—Style: Create a style for your brand. Another way to look at this would be you could create templates or guides of how certain types of posts, let’s say quotes, could always look. The benefit of this is two-fold: one, the viewer learns to know what the content is and two, when looking at your feed as a whole they get a visual break or pause for their eyes as there is some continuity in the visual medley. 

Ultimately, a design needs to communicate. I believe it should be simple yet powerful, logical yet emotional, and informative yet inquisitive. 

Your design choices allow individuals to know who you are and in the case of most of you, you’d like them to identify with you and be part of your tribe. If you’d like to stand out against the masses, use the skills of a talented graphic designer to help you hone in on creating strong, effective messaging. Nail down your brand, your story, your aesthetic so there is no doubt what you’re all about. 

Hope you found that helpful. If you need help, Mara knows how to get ahold of me :)



Guest Blogger



Why is search engine optimization important?
What does SEO do?
How can search engine optimization help your business?
How to do SEO for your website?
How does search engine optimization relate to social media?

These are all fantastic and vital questions! I’m glad you asked! You’ll need to know a bit about each one, especially if you are looking at using internet marketing to boom your business.

Every website should be generating high volume leads/reaches that turn into a high volume of customers.  That is the purpose of a website after all. The good news? Every website can!

In this blog I am going to answer the above questions and hopefully send you on your way to becoming an SEO master.


Search Engine Optimization can be defined as:

“The process of maximizing the number of visitors to your website by ensuring that your site appears high in the results given by a search engine.”

Let's break this down a little bit further.

SEO is “everything you gotta do to get your site to show up when people search for your  product or similar companies.”

Example time!

 Let’s pretend that I own a dog walking business in Los Angeles, California. We’ll call it Scruffy Trotters. And I’ve built a beauty website for it. So, I sit back and wait for the money to flow… except it isn’t. No one is coming to my website!


A little voice chimes in my head “well of course no one is coming to my site, they don’t even know it exists yet!”

But I am in luck. There are three fantastic and provenly effective ways to drive customers to a website.

1. Social Media Marketing

This is Mara Edwards specialty. Using social media websites and apps (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, etc.) you are able to build huge audiences and generate new levels of interest in your website, business or product. Mara and her team utilize social media to create business. This is one of the best ways to promote in a digital world. 104 million people use Instagram every day in the United States alone. That’s a lot of potential customers!

The next method of driving potential customers to your website is…

2. Online Advertising

This is a highly effective way of driving in potential customers to your website. But watch out, this one can also lose you some money too. There are a lot of ways to waste a quite a bit of money very fast in online advertising if you don’t know the ropes already. 

It’s important that you know the do's and don'ts before you dive in. A lot can be said about the massive benefits of online advertising as well. I'll cover that in a different blog as there is a lot to say on the subject.

If you are interested in diving right into Online Advertising and generating immediate sales, you will want to contact Mara and she can have you work with one of her Online Advertising Brokers to walk you through your first steps.

The third, and I would say one of the most vital ways to increase traffic to your website is called…

3. Search Engine Optimization – SEO for short.

When we're about search engine optimization, we're talking about websites like Google, Yelp, Bing, Yahoo, etc. These websites have billions upon billions of listings on them.

And they use certain programs to determine what websites to show when people are searching for a certain term.


Let’s keep going with the Dog Walking example. But now let’s say that I am a potential customer. I have a dog and I live in LA and I want to get it walked. Scruffy Trotters is the perfect company for me. Only one problem, I’ve never heard of it.

So, I go to google and I do a search for “Dog walkers in Los Angeles”.

I wait about half a second and then google tells me that it found about 175 million! results for dog walkers in Los Angeles. That's a lot of results. Now, the very first thing you're going to see at the top of the page is a few advertisement.  This is where your ad would go. And can be it can be a very profitable to place ads here. But again, there is an exact system on how to make the most money out of your Google advertising or social media advertising. And I don't recommend just jumping in without doing a fair amount of research on it first or getting someone to help you avoid the pitfalls.

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 After the advertising section you will see the organic search results. By “organic” we mean the ones that are not paid for but occur only because of SEO. This is where you want to be. Getting to the first page of google is the goal of most online businesses. But being anyone in the first five pages will produce an increase that you can feel.

(BONUS FACT – Another abbreviation worth knowing about it SEM – which stands for Search Engine Marketing. SEM = SEO with the addition of paid advertising. SEO is the subject of generating traffic to your website through search engines. The term SEM includes both that and the subject of internet paid advertising. Hope you have enjoyed today's bonus fact.) 

I personally know of one company that spends nearly nothing on advertising, but by use of skilled search engine optimization has gotten themselves onto the first page and maintained on the first page of Google for quite some time. Their company is thriving and expanding just from clients that find them on google.

Now that we know what SEO is and why it is vital, let’s take a look at how to do it.


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Before we dive straight into the how, we first have to clear up another important term… And that is “keywords”.
Keywords are those words or phrases that show search engines and potential customers that your site is THE ONE they are looking for. These are the magic words that bring customers in to your website first. They tell google and bing that your website should show up before someone else’s. Basically, they make or break your SEO.

Scary right? Doesn’t have to be. And I’ll show you why

Keywords are different depending on what type of business you are in. Sticking with our Dog Walking company, we would want to use keywords related to the walking of dogs. You might want to use words on your website like “dog” and “walking” and “pet”. These are pretty evident. What may not be quite as evident is how important it would be to use words like “inexpensive”, “Los Angeles”, “best dog walker”, and “pet health” as phrases.

In SEO, you want to fill up your website with all of these terms in a way that makes sense and communicates your message correctly. It is very important that you do not just spam these terms around your website. Google will knock your rating down for that. But don’t be discouraged from using the right keywords often and everywhere. Post blogs, update pages, add content constantly. And that’s the HOW of SEO.

Half the battle in SEO is choosing the right keywords. This part is going to require some digging and will change regularly so it’s important that you update often and post new blogs. 

Obviously each every company is going to have their own keywords. People search different things depending on the type of service or product they are looking for. You wouldn’t use the same keywords in a car sales business as you would in a car wash business.

In order to choose great keywords you have to ask answer two questions.

1. What specialties or unique qualities does my company have?

2. What words/phrases are my potential customers searching?

The first question you will have to answer on your own. Put some good thought into it and discuss it with your staff.

To answer the second question, you have some good tools at your fingertips. They take a bit of getting used to but you can’t SEO without knowing what people are searching for. I’ll cover them more thoroughly in another blog, but here’s a quick list to get started.


1. Google keywords and autofill

Searching on Google is one of the best ways to locate keywords. Try it out by searching for something related to your company. Example: Search for Dog Walkers in Los Angeles.

At the bottom of the page you will see a section entitled “Searches related to...” This is a great way to find out what others are searching for and use these keywords on your website.


Buzzsumo is an awesome website that helps you find out what topics are currently popular on social media and on the internet, what's getting the most searches and views.


This is one of my personal favorites. They use Google and Bing and their massive database to help you predict what searchers are going to ask.

Who uses search engine optimization?

That’s a question that’s been floating around. And the answer is everyone! If you own a business or want to sell a product, you need SEO.

You always judge a man by his actions not his words. But that is not true of search engines. Search engines always judge a website based off their words.

How much does search engine optimization cost?

The answer to that can vary very widely. But on average an expert will charge between $80 to $130 an hour. Further, the average is about $800 to $1500 per month to have someone working on retainer. You can also do search engine optimization yourself for relatively no financial investment. This requires a bit of training and practice and quite a lot of writing but with a bit of a fumble and a bumble and a tumble you can make your way through.

The right words matter.  If your website has 10,000 words on it, and only 10 to 20 are the right words, you are in trouble. Try something more in the range of 500-1,000 of the right words. Now we are really cooking.

When you pay a professional, you are paying someone who knows the rights words to use or how to find them. It’s a constantly changing game and so it’s important you keep up-to-date with the latest in SEO techniques.


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Search Engine Optimization is directly related and connectable to social media. They work hand-in-hand. In fact, whatever company is handling your social media marketing should also be familiar with SEO.

Mara Edwards has on her team SEO professionals that can not only help boom your business through social media, but can also make sure that they are posting interesting and keyword heavy updates.

Thanks for reading! Be sure to check back in for regular updates and blog posts. And don’t forget to subscribe to the mailing list!

Until next time,

Forrest Will

Do I have to use ALL THESE PLATFORMS?!?!

Good News: Here’s one less thing to spread yourself thin on

When getting into social media, a lot of users first inclination is to dive into every avenue and make an account in While the enthusiasm is admirable, it tends to lead to burnout and is not necessary for social media success!


Some of the largest social media presences in the world only rely on one, maybe two platforms and they LIVE off of it. Like house in the Hamptons, modern craftsman house, clothing line at Nordstrom, live off it. So you, my friend, do not need to be killing yourself with throwing content across the social media universe. 

The best way to find out what the correct platform for yourself is to ask where your personal audience is most drawn to. If you’re a DIY Queen or King – check out Pinterest! There is a huge audience ready to do it all themselves that would appreciate your wonderful insight! Pinterest can display your projects from start to finish beautifully, and lead an audience to even more things you’ve got going! But if your more into cute pictures or quick outfit shots with some short stories or witty quips – then maybe Instagram is more of your guy…well, thing…well, network.


It all comes down to what YOU want to create! You could be a huge Twitter fan but find that your content doesn’t entirely match up with 140 characters! It all comes back to you, your creation and your brand and what network will showcase you most valuably. 

AKA refer to previous posts and then check out the social media network options!

Most importantly, start with one and HAVE FUN. If that one goes well and you’re feeling good – try another one! Switch up your content and adjust based off your new platform and expanded audiences. Try new things, figure out your style and guess what – if you decide its not the right platform it is A LOT easier to delete one rather than 20 profiles. 

A hint: Instagram is a real good beginner’s start ;)

Much Love,
