Blogs That Get Your Name Out There - by Special Guest Blogger Forrest Will

Professional Blogger and Web Designer

Hi, I’m Forrest and I’ll be your blogger for the evening…

So what is a “blog”, really? We’ve all heard the word. But what does it mean for you and your company?

Well, for that we must take a quick look into the distant past, long before the dawn of Facebook, Twitter, and even Myspace! We must look to the bright beginnings of the World Wide Wide.

Back in those days, there wasn’t really any way for people to find your website. Search engines were brand new things. Google was just a dream in its founders eyes. It was a magical time, where finding something on the internet was a game of skill as well as chance.

And then, the web-log was born! Anyone could make one. You just wrote a regular log of your life or your industry and people came to see what was new. This became later known as blogging.

Blogging became a way for people to find you. Search engines (like Google or started using what people wrote in their blogs to help potential customers find them. And a new age was begun.


Is it important to have a blog on my website? Seems like a lot of work!

Having a great blog is VITAL! And it is a bit of work, to have it done right. But I might be able to give you a few pointers to send you in the right direction. Blogging can be confusing at first. But without it, it is unlikely that your website will gain the long-term momentum that you need to really get things going. 

Search Engines use what has been written in your blogs and on your site to determine whether or not your website is relevant, up-to-date or likely to be what the customer is trying to find. Without that, it’s hard for the 1.17 billion Google users to find you. Phew, that’s a lot of people out there searching!

How long does it need to be?

I might be about to startle a few bloggers with this one. But I’d rather you have the true scoop.

A blog should be anywhere between 300-2500 words. That’s quite a range, right?

Many bloggers recommend blogs be between 300-600 words. This is not a horrible rule of thumb but it’s not quite right either.

The proper size of a blog varies greatly depending on what your goals are.

To generate general interest in your page, encourage people to post comments and share your page, go with between 300-600 words per post.

As you increase the word count, you’ll see fewer people commenting, but more people sharing your blog on their facebook pages, etc.

If you want Google to find you, love you and recommend you to all the world by having your company be on the first pages of Google… you’ll want to aim closer to 2,500 words per blog.

Now, I know that’s a bit of a big gap. It all has to do with search engines and how they work. The highest ranking blogs on google average around 2,500 words per post.

I would encourage website owners to post a minimum of two short blogs (300 words) and one long blog (at least 1000 words) per week.

To summarize – shorter blogs are better for getting people to post comments on your site and interact, long posts are better for getting shares and increasing your standing on search engines. With all that said, it is more important for your blog to be on-topic, interesting and helpful than it is for it to be long.


What does it need to include?

Keywords, keywords… who’s got the keywords.

Keywords are those words that helps Google, Facebook and Yelp find you. They are the words you include in your blog to make sure that you pop up when people are searching for those words.

Example: If you are a hairdresser, you might want to include the words “shampoo” or “free hair wash” or “Sephora” in your blog posts.

Example: If you write children's adventure books, you would want to include the name of your publisher, a link to a bookstore with your books in it, the words “family”, “children”, and “adventure”.

The most important thing is to have your blog written by an actual thinking human being. Be interested in the topic and write content that fits with what others are searching for. Write a lot and frequently. Post a couple nice pictures in each blog and you are well on your way!

How long until I see results?

While blogs are powerful, they also take time. All too often I’ve seen someone invest in blogging for a few weeks, see little results and then give up. This is like baking a cake for 3 minutes and then tossing it out because it isn’t fully cooked.

Let’s look at some statistics.

The owner of (worth about $94,000,000) started out worth nearly nothing and the owner built it up over time. He would post about 2-3 blog posts PER DAY for 18 months. It generated enough income to allow him to create a larger team and they started posting nearly a dozen blogs per day. Their posts are on-topic and written in a way to encourage search engines to rank them highly.

Another website called ConversionXL reached millions of viewers within just a few years of blogging. They posted about once every 5 days, 6 blogs a month.

You can read up on some great blogging stories here.

To summarize: While blogging can generate the millions of views that you need to create a massively booming company, it can’t be done overnight. It takes between 6-12 months of steady blog posting (done right) before you see much results. You should expect your website views to go up-up-up once you reach around 600 blog posts.

How Social Media Management Creates Success

Social Media is used to create a brand, get yourself out there, and make yourself known. By using platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook, you are creating a social brand that drives people into your website.

If you combine your blog with a machine that is driving in viewers, you are adding gasoline to the fire. Keep it up and you can expect a boom (in a good way).


Looking for some help writing your blogs? Need a professional website designed and built? Find me at


Captions 101

What makes a good caption?

When it comes to social media, if a picture is worth a thousand words, then a well-written caption is worth ten thousand. While not usually the easiest to write, captions are vital in your social media growth and engagement and help your readers really get to know your brand: you.

Captions can be frustrating. Usually when you're describing something about yourself, you are communicating it at least one other person. Whether you're first meeting someone, going to an interview, hanging out with a friend, or starting any new relationship there is a relay point for what you're saying on the immediate other end. Whereas with captions, it can easily feel like you are essentially typing an uninteresting message to yourself.

The key here is to keep this in mind: while there is a much larger delay, you DO have MANY receivers of what you have to say on the other end of that post! They might not answer you so immediately like someone on the other end of a phone or coffee table, but that doesn't mean you should let your story fall flat.

Social media is the place where you can paint the picture of who you are - all of the colors and activities and ups and downs that go into your life. So engaging your following within the words of your caption is crucial in putting forward exactly what you want to. 


Here are three helpful questions to make sure you are earning points and grabbing attention in your captions:

1. Is this somehow connecting me to the reader?

Human beings like connection!  Write captions like you are catching up with a friend you love and haven't seen in awhile and you want to know what they're up to! Be interested in your story enough to tell it well but also be interested in how others relate!

2. Am I telling a story?

It’s good to come to some resolution in your captions, which is why its a little easier to think of it like telling a story. This doesn't mean you need to come up with crazy, life-threatening, suspense-filled tales to fit a "story." It means make a start, middle, and an end to experiences or statements.  When you tell a story, it gives a chance for your audience to get to know you, understand the life you live and what you've been through and relate. 

3. Am I being me?

Sometimes when you first start writing captions, it can feel like a huge writer’s block and you might find yourself trying to find inspiration from other accounts. While thats fine to get ideas - make sure your caption sounds like YOU! Be you and be real!  If you don't like watching Netflix, don't talk about what you've heard is good on Netflix. If you have an uncommon hobby - tell your audience about it! Build your personality into your brand and you will attract true engagement.

There’s more advice I can give on this subject but I’ve kept it to the above to get you started. So please, caption away to your heart’s content! Tell your audience who you are and watch your engagement grow.

OK - I couldn’t help not give you another tip… To get you started - here are a few prompts you can use to get those captions flowing:

1. Today I feel

2. Some surprising news

3. A daily hobby or self care activity

4. What your friends know you for

5. Heres 5 things you may not know about me

6. My favorite quote is...and here is why

7. An experience you learned from

8. A funny/embarrassing story

9. A goal of yours and why that is your goal

10. Your perfect day

Happy Posting!


Gotta Know Mara

Prego Spa Day

First things first— are locker room selfies still cool? 



No? Oh well.

Second things second - in case you haven't been following the party on Instagram, this babe is gonna be a mama! Yep that's right, Mara Jesse Edwards is Prego.

What do you do when pregnant? Well I've been told that I HAD to get a pregnancy spa day - and guys let me tell you... Larchmont Sanctuary Spa has stolen my heart, my aches and my crappy skin. Left me with a prego glow fit for an Instagram model!

They have the whole spa day down to a science and it comes in three breath-taking parts. Each one more relaxing than the last.

It starts with an aromatherapy foot ritual — with rose petals 🌹 (oh and these rocks at the bottom that feel AMAZING!)



A prenatal massage follows, delivered by a total doll who makes you feel 100% comfortable the entire time. This was my first massage so I wasn’t totally sure what to expect. My hips and back felt so much better. 💆🏼‍♀️

Then comes the glow ✨✨✨— an organic pregnancy facial tailored just for you. It involved extractions, exfoliation, and a hydrating mask.

I’ve decided that I will be going back every month to get my glow back! Between the helpful and skilled staff, I have to give it a 10/10, and trust me - you will too.


Excuse Me, Your Bots Are Showing.

DEFINITION: Bot (bät) noun. plural noun: bots

  1. the larva of the botfly, which is an internal parasite of animals. It lives typically in the stomach, finally passing through the host's dung and pupating on the ground.

  2. Fake and/or purchased Instagram Followers.

(Definition #2 is what we are talking about today class).

What are Fake Followers good for? ANSWER: Absolutely nothing


Lets be real - Buying followers can be VERY tempting.

Guy Kawasaki, Silicon Valley-based Author and Marketing Specialist says: "There are two types of people on social media: people who want more followers, and liars." ---  I'd like to argue with him..... but Ive got nuttin'. He's right, who doesn't want more followers??? . 

We live in a world where you can order almost anything online at breakfast, and have it on your doorstep by lunch. Its BRILLIANT! INSTANT GRATIFICATION! 

But hold up... Here is the thing with buying instagram followers; It's just a number. The sad truth is that there is no engagement that comes with buying followers. 

If you are using instagram as a “Hey look at me I am so famous” - Then great! You should buy as many followers as your Visa will allow.

However, if you are using Instagram for any other reason… (such as growing a brand/business, create more income as an influencer, becoming more known in your niche, sharing your passion and inspiring others, etc.) THIS IS NOT THE WAY. 

It is also extremely easy to tell when an account has purchased fake followers. There are people who claim to have an organic instagram following. But 20k followers and yet only 200 likes? Either you have crap content or you purchased robot followers... Whoops sorry to burst your bubble.  

Instagram is a SOCIAL NETWORK— yes I know, MIND BLOWN. It is not a photo sharing app. The social-ness is totally lost when you have fake followers. 

If you needed more reasons to not buy instagram followers, here are 5

1. It’s goes against the terms of conditions of Instagram and puts you at risk of having your account shut down.

2. You become a platform for spam (Hello fake comments steering people away from your content!)

3. Engagement goes waaaaay down.

4. These “Followers” have nothing to do with you. *cough cough Instagram has analytics that tell them who has fake followers and who earned them the right way. LA local flower shop, 90% of their followers from Palestine..... Interesting. 

5. Your reputation gets jeopardized. YEP. Instagram every so often presses the "annihilate fake followers" button. All of a sudden you're not looking so hot.

Ok ok, enough doom and gloom. If you've purchased fake followers I'll forgive you, so long as you make an effort to replace them with REAL people and get your AMAZING CONTENT AND ART OUT THERE FOR THE WORLD TO SEE! 

Solution: Know your audience (have you named out exactly who they are, what they do, and who they are already following on Instagram?), engage them (Don't be shy. Send a DM that isn't a d**k pic and people will actually want to talk with you!), and share great content (ding ding ding! High quality images, and keep it to 3 things that your page is all about). Those are a few key ingredients of a winning Instagram strategy. 

At the end of the day, 100 real followers who engage/ and trust your opinions will always beat 10,000 followers who are actually just a couple of robots spamming with “free” apple products.

Want more advice? Want to write me back a cheeky email? Either way I want to hear from you. Let the emails fly my way.

Much Love,







My FIRST Facial

Yes you read that correctly, my FIRST. Growing up I never had any real skin issues that a bar of Dove soap didn’t fix. Then this weird thing happened… I hit 23 and suddenly it was like my skin did a total 180! It was either too oily, or dry and cracking, or it'd be totally clear and then I would wake up - and BAM huge breakout. My personal favorite… I would just basically look like a very animated zombie. 

BUT THEN: I found Glow Skincare and OMG! 

Here is the 411:

I arrived and sat in their adorable (totally Instagramable) waiting room. I grabbed a quick glass of water out of the cutest glittery cups I'd ever seen, and within a couple of minutes I met Kasey and was called back to the room that I would soon come to call Heaven (or the closest to it I would ever see on this Earth).


I quickly changed into a towel dress, put on a head band, and then laid down in HEATED SHEETS (GAH).

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Besides the fact that Kasey is a total skin goddess, she is also so sweet and knowledgeable. I was quickly informed that at a certain point I would need to use more than a bar of soap to handle my skin. 

My visit included, at the risk of channeling your big green monster of envy,  steaming, massaging, cleansing, exfoliation, and everything nice. My skin was so happy after all of this. I mean… LOOK! It was the bombdigity.


And the results have lasted! It has been 4 days and I am still glowing. I am definitely putting this into my monthly routine. Not only did it make my skin SO HAPPY IT IS PRACTICALLY SINGING AND DANCING — but truthfully this girl boss really needed the R&R. Thanks Glow Skincare, you have a customer for life! 

Wanna know more about Glow Skincare? I don't blame ya! Here ya go!

That Midweek Slump

I don’t know about you but when I get to Wednesday I’m ready to wave the white flag and spend the rest of the week in bed. Being a #girlboss isn’t always easy or fun! 🤕🤕🤕 (Although most of the time it is fun🕺🏼)

Here are a few tips that are currently working to motivate me midweek! 

1. Write it down!: I have multiple different journals, each one I use for a different income source. When I feel overwhelmed I grab that journal and jot down anything and everything that I need to do. It really puts it in perspective. You create a battle plan (BP) which can be prioritized and contented much more easily! 


2. I switched from coffee to tea🙀
Yes I know, shocking! But I realized that coffee at midday was giving me a serious CRASH! I found this tea brand called @teamiblends, they have an awesome blend called “focus”. It totally helps me to keep on track, but without the crash. Sweetened with stevia instead of sugar and I’m ready to go! I’ve teamed up with teami, use my coupon code MARA15 for 15% off! 

3. TAKE A WALK! It doesn’t have to be a long one. But just a walk down the block and back can really help you to see things more clearly and get in the right head space to get some serious #bossbabe-ness movin’ and groovin’!!


Hope this helps you accomplish all you set out to today! If you have any tips on how you stay motivated and focused, DM me! Can’t wait to hear em!

Much Love,


Why on Earth am I Blogging?

Hi, I’m Mara Edwards. 

M. E. get it?

Gotta know ME... 

Gotta know Mara



thought it was clever.)

Nice to meet ya! 


I’m 22 and a college drop-out. I live in Los Angeles with my husband Alex and our two pups Hiccup and Jinx. Originally from Alabama, I moved here when I was 14 with my dad and sisters.

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And before you continue reading, I am not exceptionally impressive in any way. 

I am not: 

  • A makeup artist

  • A fashionista 

  • A super mom 

  • A brilliant mind

  • A famous actress

Or rich. 

Why am I blogging? 

That is a GREAT question. 

And here’s the answer, I am happy. 

I remember times when I was not. When happiness seemed impossible. I am writing this blog to share what makes me happy, and what makes my life a little easier. Because truth of the matter is, Adulting is hard. There is no book or instruction manual. But it’s not impossible and I am living proof that it can even be fun. 

Here are a few tips I've found helpful: 

1. Find Something to Like About It:

In the world that we live in today it is very easy to feel like there is no good anywhere. Between the media and crummy people out there, a person’s day get’s dark rather quickly. The only way that I have found a way out of the darkness is to find something to like about it. Like that guy on the freeway who just can’t seem to USE HIS F^%$ING BLINKER, he has lovely break lights. Or that person at work who loves to give orders but is a total hypocrite, she did really well to get into a position of power there. I know that it sounds silly. After a while it becomes a habit. I am a strong believer of what you put out is what you get back And seeing the good in others instead of the bad sure does make for a happier life.

2. Drink Lots of Water

3. Coconut Oil - Put that ish on everythang. 


Excited to share every detail of my (average) life with you. 

Much Love,